Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Enroll now for our “Spread Trading Strategies for Growing a Small Account” class this Saturday

Can you get the same training hedge fund managers get for their traders? Now you can. Whether you are trading stocks, crude oil, commodities or currencies John Carter of "Simpler Options" has put together an easy to understand course that will show you how you can use the same trading methods he teaches fund managers and it can be done in any size account. No matter how big or small.

In this comprehensive class John will teach us.....

*     How to use spreads to create low-risk high-probability trades
*     Basic to advanced spread trading strategies
*     How to make money, even when you’re wrong
*     How to steadily & consistently grow your small account through spreads
*     How to trade spreads “end of day” so you don’t go bug eyed looking at charts all day

And much more...

This course is being recorded, and you will receive a link to view it and download it the same day, and a DVD of the course within 3-4 weeks.

Just Click Here to Enroll Today!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Watch this Video to Learn a Perfect Trade Setup for this Market's Sell Off

Check out the video below from MarketGauge to discover the most favorable time to enter a trade for ‘oversized’ gains.  There’s an easy pattern to identify, and it’s also easy to trade in all market conditions.

Watch The Video Here

You’ll see how to identify the best setups based on the current market conditions.
These ‘low risk’, ‘high profit’ set ups are tested and proven and currently used by a successful hedge fund manager of 30 years!
In the video you’ll discover: 
  • ‘Easy’ to identify trade setups that get you in the trade early for maximum profit potential.
  • The ‘best’ entry tactic that leads to taking profits the same day you enter a trade.
  • A hedge fund manager’s ‘secret’ to buying retracements the day the uptrend explodes higher, putting you in position for ‘monster’ gains.
  • A successful hedge fund manager’s favorite strategy for buying near the low of the day, which could lead to huge payouts later that day.
  • And More!
The video is not very long and worth every minute of your time. 

See It Here 

See you in the markets on Monday!

Ray @ The Forex Market Club

P.S. After you watch the video be sure to register for an upcoming training webinarand discover how to add quick cash pops to your portfolio on a daily basis. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Instant Options Income weekly trade report [VIDEO]

Did you get in on Bill Poulos's brand new "Instant Options Income" program yesterday? Hundreds of regular people hungry for weekly "instant income" already joined him when he opened up the gates.

The next Instant Options Income trade recommendations come out this Thursday in the form of a short video recording that spells out exactly what to do.

In fact, Bill just posted an actual weekly trade report that he recorded a few weeks ago so you can see exactly what you get.

See it Instant Options Income weekly trade report video

As you'll see, he made 2 recommendations that produced "instant income" and both ended up as net winners 7 days later. That's exactly the goal of Instant Options Income.

Good Trading,
Forex Market Club

P.S.  Rumor has it that Bill will be closing enrollment on Thursday (or sooner), so make sure you lock in your enrollment while there's still time.

Watch Bill's 2/2 Instant Options Income trades have won so far this week.

Monday, June 17, 2013

This Shocking Video Gives 5 Years of Proof

We just watched a video by a binary options trader named Jeff Anderson who's doing something we have never seen before.

He's not simply "claiming" to be an expert like most of the so called "gurus" out there he is actually showing real, undeniable proof. And not back tests or demo accounts, either.

These are LIVE updating real money accounts going back an incredible 5 years.

He's putting such massive proof on the line right from the start to make this clear this isn't the usual re-hashed "guru" system. And for a limited time he's also giving away a unique "indicator" preview of the Binary Turbo Software.

Watch this as soon as possible since it will not be available as soon as it goes online for paying students.

Every trader really must watch this Binary Turbo Software video.

See you in the markets,
Ray @ The Forex Market Club

Monday, June 10, 2013

John Carters "Small Account Growth Secrets" Webinar

Last week we showed you some live trades from our trading partner John Carter that proved....with the right mindset and a little training anyone can earn a regular income trading.

Whatever your account size, if you're focused on trading for income, then you need to attend one (if not both) of the webinars that John Carter is putting on Tuesday, June 11th at 8:00PM New York Time or Wednesday, June 12th at 1:00PM New York Time

You can reserve Your Seat HERE now as there is limited seating available.

Here's just a sample of what John is going to share.......

*   The difference between trading for income vs. growth

*   Why attempt to double your account "before" it goes to zero in 12 months or less

*   How to control risk while being an aggressive trader

*   What Stops to use and when

*   The mindset of an aggressive trader

Click Here to Register

We will be attending and hope to see you there!

Forex Market Club

John Carters "Small Account Growth Secrets" Webinar

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Watch a "small account" Become an Internet Sensation

Whether you are trading Forex, gold, oil, stocks or currencies there is no shortage online of stories about legendary trades. What there is a shortage of is proof that the trades actually took place.

If you are a regular reader here at The Forex Market Club then you are probably familiar with our trading partner John Carter. John has recently made quite a name for himself as he began sharing his methods of trading that could be done with any size account.

John is shaking things up again with a new video that shows a recording of John trading LIVE with his REAL accounts on a day he made over $223,000 in one day.

The trades were.....

$97,000 on Apple, ticker AAPL
$93,000 on Google, ticker GOOG
$104,000 on Priceline, ticker PCLN

John will show you exactly how he traded the above trades, what he did right, what he did wrong, and what YOU can do to trade like this. And he points out what a 'small account' really is and how the overall goal is to not only make successful trades but to make a regular income source from your trades.

Watch the video here and please feel free to leave a comment and let us know what you think of John's new simple trading system.

See you in the markets,
Ray @ The Forex Market Club

View "Watch a small account Become an Internet Sensation" right now!