Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Free Webinar: Your Second Chance for the Marijuana Boom in 2018

Our trading partner legendary speculator Doug Casey invites you to take part in the FREE "Pot Stock Millionaire Webinar". This free Summit will guide us through how we can take advantage of the coming second marijuana boom.

Doug is up $1 million dollars with just ONE tiny pot stock, a 1,900% gain. And now Doug and his team have found 5 new pot stocks that will brings us those same profits.

Space is limited so Reserve Your Seat Right Here, Right Now

The Pot Stock Millionaire Summit with Doug Casey, Nick Giambruno and Justin Spittler takes place Thursday, April 26th at 8 p.m. Eastern Time. Since this is hosted on a private website you must pre register and details for access will be emailed to you.

And the cost to you? Zero....It's all FREE!

If you missed out on the first wave of marijuana investing don't miss your second chance to become a Pot Stock Millionaire in the Marijuana Bull Market of 2018. The 2018 boom is expected to be 8 times bigger than the first.

During this free Webinar we'll learn....
  •   How famed speculator Doug Casey became a marijuana millionaire with one penny pot stock
  • Why the 2018 marijuana boom will be 8 times bigger than the first… when pot stocks averaged peak gains of 24,000%
  • The only two ways to play the marijuana bull market in 2018 for the chance to turn a few hundred dollars into a million or more
  • And 5 marijuana stocks that are set to return 500% each
And this is just a small sample of the exclusive information that Doug and the team will share during this event.

FREE ACCESS to our April 26th event: Doug Casey, Nick Giambruno and Justin Spittler will reveal why the marijuana boom is just starting right now. And how 2018 will be the year of marijuana millionaires for those who get into tiny, little known pot stocks today.

Plus, you’ll discover why some of the best profit opportunities in marijuana have nothing to do with growing or producing the plant. Instead, Doug and the team will share the most promising “pick and shovel” plays. These are companies on their way to becoming the next “Home Depot of Pot” and “Amazon of Weed.”

And Doug Casey will break down how he became a marijuana millionaire with a penny pot stock and why he sees bigger opportunities in today’s marijuana boom for those who get in now.

Access to a brand new video training series: Released for the first time exclusively for this event, these 3 trainings will show you:

  • Why everyone who thinks the biggest gains in marijuana have already been made are dead wrong. We’re actually at the very start of the biggest marijuana mania in history.
  • Why you don’t need to know anything about marijuana or investing for the chance to become a marijuana millionaire in today’s bull market.
  • How marijuana stocks are delivering similar gains to Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies… but are much safer and easier to buy. And we’re actually in an earlier stage of the marijuana boom than we are in Bitcoin.
  • Why regardless what the federal government does, marijuana legalization is a runaway train and the best opportunity today to turn a couple of hundred dollars into a fortune.
And much, much more…

You’ll be able to watch these short, information packed videos right on your computer or phone.

PLUS… you’ll be able to download the transcripts directly to your computer, print them out and read them at your leisure.

During the first marijuana mania, the best pot stocks averaged peak gains of 24,000%. And that was with just two states (Washington and Colorado) legalizing recreational pot. Now that it’s legal in California, and Canada is set to go recreational this June, we’ll see the biggest marijuana profits in history from this bull market.

You’ll get all the details in our training and Summit.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Are Traders Interested in Living Longer and Feeling Better?

For some reason my trading partners and our readers seem to be more interested in their health and longevity than my friends or even family members. It's for that reason we are excited to give you a quick heads up about something we think is going to be very important to them. And it’s happening really soon.

On February 1st, at 6:00 p.m. est, the "Live Longer, Feel Better!" documentary will air its live first episode. And believe me, you won’t want to miss even ONE of the experts that director Michael Beattie has brought together.

I’ve had a sneak peek at it and this is absolutely going to change how you think about getting older and maintaining your health. If you're AT ALL concerned about where you'll be in 30 years time, you MUST see this.

Click Here to Watch the Trailer

The documentary series and everything that accompanies it, presents you with a real action plan to avoid disease as you enter and enjoy your later years. But the earlier you start, the better!

On February 1st, you will be able to see it all at NO cost, Right Here!

The current epidemic of Alzheimers, Diabetes and other avoidable diseases is stealing our futures and condemning thousands of people to a nursing home. No one has to go through that!

Let’s take that future back NOW.

Please make time to watch this, and help me spread the word if you can.

To your health,
Forex Market Club

PS. One final note – Each episode of this incredible 7 part series will be online for only 24 hours from release. Make sure you register right now so you don’t miss a single thing. You’ll be excited by what you’re about to discover.

Below is a Quick One Minute+ Video Trailer We Below