Friday, November 21, 2014

Cut Trading Risk and Increase Reward with a Strategy I Know You're not Using

"Amazing insights...THANKS!"

"Whoa, completely changed my mindset on ETFs"

Those are two quotes from people who watched John Carter's latest video on trading options on ETFs: John's Favorite Ways to Trade Options On ETFs

He shows you how his strategy allows you to cut risk, increase rewards, and grow your account [of any size we might add] using options on ETFs.

Don't's VERY clear and easy to apply (Watch Video)

John also shows you....

   *  Why trading options on ETFs cuts your risk so you can sleep at night

   *  How you can profit with ETFs from the unexpected move in the dollar

   *  Why you avoid the games high frequency traders play by trading ETFs

   *  Why most analysts have the next move in the dollar wrong and how to protect your investments

   *  What are some of the markets that will be impacted by the dollars next move

This is crucial information that I highly recommend you take the time to's FREE after all.

Stream the video HERE

See you in the markets putting this to work,
The Forex Market Club

Get our latest FREE eBook "Understanding Options"....Just Click Here!

Monday, November 17, 2014

The Return of the Dollar

By John Mauldin

Two years ago, my friend Mohamed El-Erian and I were on the stage at my Strategic Investment Conference. Naturally we were discussing currencies in the global economy, and I asked him about currency wars. He smiled and said to me, “John, we don’t talk about currency wars in polite circles. More like currency disagreements” (or some word to that effect).

This week I note that he actually uses the words currency war in an essay he wrote for Project Syndicate:

Yet the benefits of the dollar’s rally are far from guaranteed, for both economic and financial reasons. While the US economy is more resilient and agile than its developed counterparts, it is not yet robust enough to be able to adjust smoothly to a significant shift in external demand to other countries. There is also the risk that, given the role of the ECB and the Bank of Japan in shaping their currencies’ performance, such a shift could be characterized as a “currency war” in the US Congress, prompting a retaliatory policy response.

This is a short treatise, but as usual with Mohamed’s writing, it’s very thought provoking. Definitely Outside the Box material.

And for a two-part Outside the Box I want to take the unusual step of including an op-ed piece that you might not have seen, from the Wall Street Journal, called “How to Distort Income Inequality,” by Phil Gramm and Michael Solon. They cite research I’ve seen elsewhere which shows that the work by Thomas Piketty cherry-picks data and ignores total income and especially how taxes distort the data. That is not to say that income inequality does not exist and that we should not be cognizant and concerned, but we need to plan policy based on a firm grasp of reality and not overreact because of some fantasy world created by social provocateur academicians.

This weeks new video "How you can Profit from ETFs on the Unexpected Move in the Dollar".....Just Click Here

The calls for income redistribution from socialists and liberals based on Piketty’s work are clearly misguided and will further distort income inequality in ways that will only reduce total global productivity and growth.
I’m in New York today at an institutional fund manager conference where I had the privilege of hearing my good friend Ian Bremmer take us around the world on a geopolitical tour. Ian was refreshingly optimistic, or at least sanguine, about most of the world over the next few years. Lots of potential problems, of course, but he thinks everything should turn out fine – with the notable exception of Russia, where he is quite pessimistic.

A shirtless Vladimir Putin was the scariest thing on his geopolitical radar. As he spoke, Russia was clearly putting troops and arms into eastern Ukraine. Why would you do that if you didn’t intend to go further? Ian worried openly about Russia’s extending a land bridge all the way to Crimea and potentially even to Odessa, which is the heart of economic Ukraine, along with the Kiev region. It would basically make Ukraine ungovernable.

I thought Putin’s sadly grim and memorable line that “The United States is prepared to fight Russia to the last Ukrainian” pretty much sums up the potential for a US or NATO response. Putin agreed to a cease-fire and assumed that sanctions would start to be lifted. When there was no movement on sanctions, he pretty much went back to square one. He has clearly turned his economic attention towards China.

Both Ian Bremmer and Mohamed El Erian will be at my Strategic Investment Conference next year, which will again be in San Diego in the spring, April 28-30. Save the dates in your calendar as you do not want to miss what is setting up to be a very special conference. We will get more details to you soon.

It is a very pleasant day here in New York, and I was able to avoid taxis and put in about six miles of pleasant walking. (Sadly, it is supposed to turn cold tomorrow.) I’ve gotten used to getting around in cities and slipping into the flow of things, but there was a time when I felt like the country mouse coming to the city. As I walked past St. Bart’s today I was reminded of an occasion when your humble analyst nearly got himself in serious trouble.

There is a very pleasant little outdoor restaurant at St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church, across the street from the side entrance of the Waldorf-Astoria. It was a fabulous day in the spring, and I was having lunch with my good friend Barry Ritholtz. The president (George W.) was in town and staying at the Waldorf. His entourage pulled up and Barry pointed and said, “Look, there’s the president.”

We were at the edge of the restaurant, so I stood up to see if I could see George. The next thing I know, Barry’s hand is on my shoulder roughly pulling me back into my seat. “Sit down!” he barked. I was rather confused – what faux pas I had committed? Barry pointed to two rather menacing, dark-suited figures who were glaring at me from inside the restaurant.

“They were getting ready to shoot you, John! They had their hands inside their coats ready to pull guns. They thought you were going to do something to the president!”

This was New York not too long after 9/11. The memory is fresh even today. Now, I think I would know better than to stand up with the president coming out the side door across the street. But back then I was still just a country boy come to the big city.

Tomorrow night I will have dinner with Barry and Art Cashin and a few other friends at some restaurant which is supposedly famous for a mob shooting back in the day. Art will have stories, I am sure.
It is time to go sing for my supper, and I will try not to keep the guests from enjoying what promises to be a fabulous meal from celebrity chef Cyrille Allannic. After Ian’s speech, I think I will be nothing but sweetness and light, just a harmless economic entertainer. After all, what could possibly go really wrong with the global economy, when you’re being wined and dined at the top of New York? Have a great week.

John Mauldin, Editor
Outside the Box

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The Return of the Dollar

By Mohamed El-Erian
Project Syndicate, Nov. 13, 2014

The U.S. dollar is on the move. In the last four months alone, it has soared by more than 7% compared with a basket of more than a dozen global currencies, and by even more against the euro and the Japanese yen. This dollar rally, the result of genuine economic progress and divergent policy developments, could contribute to the “rebalancing” that has long eluded the world economy. But that outcome is far from guaranteed, especially given the related risks of financial instability.

Two major factors are currently working in the dollar’s favor, particularly compared to the euro and the yen. First, the United States is consistently outperforming Europe and Japan in terms of economic growth and dynamism – and will likely continue to do so – owing not only to its economic flexibility and entrepreneurial energy, but also to its more decisive policy action since the start of the global financial crisis.

Second, after a period of alignment, the monetary policies of these three large and systemically important economies are diverging, taking the world economy from a multi-speed trajectory to a multi-track one. Indeed, whereas the US Federal Reserve terminated its large-scale securities purchases, known as “quantitative easing” (QE), last month, the Bank of Japan and the European Central Bank recently announced the expansion of their monetary-stimulus programs. In fact, ECB President Mario Draghi signaled a willingness to expand his institution’s balance sheet by a massive €1 trillion ($1.25 trillion).

With higher US market interest rates attracting additional capital inflows and pushing the dollar even higher, the currency’s revaluation would appear to be just what the doctor ordered when it comes to catalyzing a long-awaited global rebalancing – one that promotes stronger growth and mitigates deflation risk in Europe and Japan. Specifically, an appreciating dollar improves the price competitiveness of European and Japanese companies in the US and other markets, while moderating some of the structural deflationary pressure in the lagging economies by causing import prices to rise.

Yet the benefits of the dollar’s rally are far from guaranteed, for both economic and financial reasons. While the US economy is more resilient and agile than its developed counterparts, it is not yet robust enough to be able to adjust smoothly to a significant shift in external demand to other countries. There is also the risk that, given the role of the ECB and the Bank of Japan in shaping their currencies’ performance, such a shift could be characterized as a “currency war” in the US Congress, prompting a retaliatory policy response.

Furthermore, sudden large currency moves tend to translate into financial-market instability. To be sure, this risk was more acute when a larger number of emerging-economy currencies were pegged to the U.S. dollar, which meant that a significant shift in the dollar’s value would weaken other countries’ balance of payments position and erode their international reserves, thereby undermining their creditworthiness. Today, many of these countries have adopted more flexible exchange-rate regimes, and quite a few retain adequate reserve holdings.

But a new issue risks bringing about a similarly problematic outcome: By repeatedly repressing financial-market volatility over the last few years, central-bank policies have inadvertently encouraged excessive risk-taking, which has pushed many financial-asset prices higher than economic fundamentals warrant. To the extent that continued currency-market volatility spills over into other markets – and it will – the imperative for stronger economic fundamentals to validate asset prices will intensify.

This is not to say that the currency re-alignment that is currently underway is necessarily a problematic development; on the contrary, it has the potential to boost the global economy by supporting the recovery of some of its most challenged components. But the only way to take advantage of the re-alignment’s benefits, without experiencing serious economic disruptions and financial-market volatility, is to introduce complementary growth-enhancing policy adjustments, such as accelerating structural reforms, balancing aggregate demand, and reducing or eliminating debt overhangs.

After all, global growth, at its current level, is inadequate for mere redistribution among countries to work. Overall global GDP needs to increase.

The US dollar’s resurgence, while promising, is only a first step. It is up to governments to ensure that the ongoing currency re-alignment supports a balanced, stable, and sustainable economic recovery. Otherwise, they may find themselves again in the unpleasant business of mitigating financial instability.

How to Distort Income Inequality

By Phil Gramm and Michael Solon
Wall Street Journal, Nov. 11, 2014

The Piketty-Saez data ignore changes in tax law and fail to count noncash compensation and Social Security benefits.

What the hockey-stick portrayal of global temperatures did in bringing a sense of crisis to the issue of global warming is now being replicated in the controversy over income inequality, thanks to a now-famous study by Thomas Piketty and Emmanuel Saez, professors of economics at the Paris School of Economics and the University of California, Berkeley, respectively. Whether the issue is climate change or income inequality, however, problems with the underlying data significantly distort the debate.

The chosen starting point for the most-quoted part of the Piketty-Saez study is 1979. In that year the inflation rate was 13.3%, interest rates were 15.5% and the poverty rate was rising, but economic misery was distributed more equally than in any year since. That misery led to the election of Ronald Reagan, whose economic policies helped usher in 25 years of lower interest rates, lower inflation and high economic growth. But Messrs. Piketty and Saez tell us it was also a period where the rich got richer, the poor got poorer and only a relatively small number of Americans benefited from the economic booms of the Reagan and Clinton years.

If that dark picture doesn’t sound like the country you lived in, that’s because it isn’t. The Piketty-Saez study looked only at pretax cash market income. It did not take into account taxes. It left out noncash compensation such as employer-provided health insurance and pension contributions. It left out Social Security payments, Medicare and Medicaid benefits, and more than 100 other means-tested government programs. Realized capital gains were included, but not the first $500,000 from the sale of one’s home, which is tax-exempt. IRAs and 401(k)s were counted only when the money is taken out in retirement. Finally, the Piketty-Saez data are based on individual tax returns, which ignore, for any given household, the presence of multiple earners.

And now, thanks to a new study in the Southern Economic Journal, we know what the picture looks like when the missing data are filled in. Economists Philip Armour and Richard V. Burkhauser of Cornell University and Jeff Larrimore of Congress’s Joint Committee on Taxation expanded the Piketty-Saez income measure using census data to account for all public and private in-kind benefits, taxes, Social Security payments and household size.

The result is dramatic. The bottom quintile of Americans experienced a 31% increase in income from 1979 to 2007 instead of a 33% decline that is found using a Piketty-Saez market-income measure alone. The income of the second quintile, often referred to as the working class, rose by 32%, not 0.7%. The income of the middle quintile, America’s middle class, increased by 37%, not 2.2%.

By omitting Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, the Piketty-Saez study renders most older Americans poor when in reality most have above-average incomes. The exclusion of benefits like employer-provided health insurance, retirement benefits (except when actually paid out in retirement) and capital gains on homes misses much of the income and wealth of middle- and upper-middle income families.

Messrs. Piketty and Saez also did not take into consideration the effect that tax policies have on how people report their incomes. This leads to major distortions. The bipartisan tax reform of 1986 lowered the highest personal tax rate to 28% from 50%, but the top corporate-tax rate was reduced only to 34%. There was, therefore, an incentive to restructure businesses from C-Corps to subchapter S corporations, limited liability corporations, partnerships and proprietorships, where the same income would now be taxed only once at a lower, personal rate. As businesses restructured, what had been corporate income poured into personal income-tax receipts.

So Messrs. Piketty and Saez report a 44% increase in the income earned by the top 1% in 1987 and 1988—though this change reflected how income was taxed, not how income had grown. This change in the structure of American businesses alone accounts for roughly one-third of what they portray as the growth in the income share earned by the top 1% of earners over the entire 1979-2012 period.

An equally extraordinary distortion in the data used to measure inequality (the Gini Coefficient) has been discovered by Cornell’s Mr. Burkhauser. In 1992 the Census Bureau changed the Current Population Survey to collect more in-depth data on high-income individuals. This change in survey technique alone, causing a one-time upward shift in the measured income of high-income individuals, is the source of almost 30% of the total growth of inequality in the U.S. since 1979.

Simple statistical errors in the data account for roughly one third of what is now claimed to be a “frightening” increase in income inequality. But the weakness of the case for redistribution does not end there. America is the freest and most dynamic society in history, and freedom and equality of outcome have never coexisted anywhere at any time. Here the innovator, the first mover, the talented and the persistent win out—producing large income inequality. The prizes are unequal because in our system consumers reward people for the value they add. Some can and do add extraordinary value, others can’t or don’t.

How exactly are we poorer because Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and the Walton family are so rich? Mr. Gates became rich by mainstreaming computer power into our lives and in the process made us better off. Mr. Buffett’s genius improves the efficiency of capital allocation and the whole economy benefits. Wal-Mart stretches our buying power and raises the living standards of millions of Americans, especially low-income earners. Rich people don’t “take” a large share of national income, they “bring” it. The beauty of our system is that everybody benefits from the value they bring.

Yes, income is 24% less equally distributed here than in the average of the other 34 member countries of the OECD. But OECD figures show that U.S. per capita GDP is 42% higher, household wealth is 210% higher and median disposable income is 42% higher. How many Americans would give up 42% of their income to see the rich get less?

Vast new fortunes were earned in the 25-year boom that began under Reagan and continued under Clinton. But the income of middle-class Americans rose significantly. These incomes have fallen during the Obama presidency, and not because the rich have gotten richer. They’ve fallen because bad federal policies have yielded the weakest recovery in the postwar history of America.

Yet even as the recovery continues to disappoint, the president increasingly turns to the politics of envy by demanding that the rich pay their “fair share.” The politics of envy may work here as it has worked so often in Latin America and Europe, but the economics of envy is failing in America as it has failed everywhere else.

Mr. Gramm, a former Republican senator from Texas, is a visiting scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. Mr. Solon was a budget adviser to Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell and is a partner of US Policy Metrics.

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Important Disclosures

The article Outside the Box: The Return of the Dollar was originally published at

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Sunday, November 16, 2014

New Video: How You Can Profit with ETFs from the Unexpected Move in the Dollar

You've seen us talking about a new Options strategy that John Carter was working on recently...and he is finally sharing it with us.

Video: My Favorite Way to Trade Options on ETFs

This strategy is the "sleep at night as you trade options" strategy. And we ALL need that!

Here's just a taste of what John shows you in this video:

*  Why trading options on ETFs cuts your risk so you can sleep at night

*  How you can profit with ETFs from the unexpected move in the dollar

*  Why you avoid the games high frequency traders play by trading ETFs

*  Why most analysts have the next move in the dollar wrong and how to protect your investments

*  What are some of the markets that will be impacted by the dollars next move

Here's the link to watch the video again

Enjoy the video,
The Forex Market Club

Reserve your seat now for John's next FREE webinar "Why You Should Trade Options on ETF's"....Just Click Here!

Monday, November 10, 2014

You Won't See This Ever Again....Finally, It's Being Unveiled

...EURJPY +57 pips
...AUDJPY +70 pips
...GBPUSD +202 pips
...Dow e-Mini +45 points
...Russell e-Mini +5.20 points
...Crude Oil +59 ticks
...Dax Futures +29.5 points
...Heating Oil +151 ticks

This was just a sample of a recent trading day with the NetPicks TrendJumper trading system.

Franklin Veras, an individual trader says..."NetPicks has consistently been the gold standard in providing trading education. From systems to signals, Forex, Futures, Stocks, Options & ETFs in day trading and swing trading – NetPicks concentrates on helping regular traders achieve success in the markets."

What if you could learn exactly what Franklin and over 1,000 other traders worldwide have found with the NetPicks Trend Jumper trading system? This includes most markets averaging 85% or higher in weekly profitability and some even 90%+ in daily profitability. With consistency like that it's hard to go wrong.

For the FINAL TIME, the Trend Jumper is being unveiled and demonstrated in a series of live webinars. You simply choose the date and time that works best for you. Don't miss this last chance at such a proven trading system.

Each webinar though is limited in space. Right now they are 47% full so there's still time but word is getting out so I highly suggest you reserve your spot now.....

Just click the link below for the time and day that works best for you.

Wednesday, November 12th @ 12pm EST/9am PST/5pm GMT

Wednesday, November 12th @ 6pm EST/3pm PST/11pm GMT

Thursday, November 13th @ 9am EST/6am PST/2pm GMT

Thursday, November 13th @ 3pm EST/12pm PST/8pm GMT

In addition, NetPicks has promised that every individual in attendance will receive an Active Traders Kit valued at $497 just for attending. I hear it includes a trading system, advanced trade tracking software and valuable trading education well beyond it's value.

See you in the markets,
Ray @ the Forex Market Club

P.S. Just like Franklin experienced above, Anthony Smith says "Thanks for Trend Jumper. It's ahead of its time. I'm always amazed at the accuracy of the trades and targets. It eliminates 95% of the emotional decision making process." Get yourself registered for the webinars to start experiencing this type of success.

Get out latest FREE eBooK "Understanding Options"....Just Click Here

Thursday, October 16, 2014

How Can There Not Be a Currency Crisis?

By Casey Research

The Fed claims that signs of economic stress are very low, but savvy investors feel otherwise. With geopolitical unrest expanding and central banks doing the opposite of the right things, is a currency crisis barreling toward us? See what Mish Shedlock had to say about the state of world finance at the 2014 Casey Research Summit:

Even though the Summit is long over, you can still benefit from every presenter… every panel discussion… every investment recommendation. Order the 2014 Summit Audio Collection and you’ll receive all of that, plus all slides used in the presentations and a bonus highlight reel. Choose between instantly available MP3 files or CDs… or get both for maximum convenience.

Order now so that you’re well positioned to thrive in the coming crisis economy.

The article How Can There Not Be a Currency Crisis? was originally published at casey research

Get out latest FREE eBooK "Understanding Options"....Just Click Here

Monday, October 13, 2014

Understanding Options.....Easier Then You Think

If you have not taken the time to do this, do it asap while it's still available. You know our trading partner John Carter from his wildly popular free trading webinars and John has found yet another way to make learning to trade options in any size account even easier. With his latest FREE eBook.

The options trading eBook "Understanding Options"

In this free options trading eBook you will learn.....

  *   How to use leverage to grow your account exponentially or free up excess capital

  *   What the options basics are so you’re never confused by an options chain again

  *   The essentials to managing your position at expiration

  *   The two different types of settlement

  *   The key options terms you need to know

  *   The most important factor to your options trading success

......and much more

To get this FREE eBook "Understanding Options"....Just Click Here!

Currency Market Summary for Monday October 13th

The December Dollar closed lower on Monday. The low range close sets the stage for a steady to lower opening when Tuesday's night session begins trading. Stochastics and the RSI are neutral signaling that sideways to lower prices are possible near term. Closes below the 20 day moving average crossing at 85.43 would confirm that a short term top has been posted. If December renews the rally off May's low, weekly resistance crossing at 87.00 is the next upside target. First resistance is October's high crossing at 86.87. Second resistance is weekly resistance crossing at 87.00. First support is the 20 day moving average crossing at 85.43. Second support is the reaction low crossing at 84.00.

We made the arrangements for a FREE MarketClub Trial…..It’s been paid for!

The December Euro closed higher on Monday. The high range close sets the stage for a steady to higher opening when Tuesday's night session begins trading. Stochastics and the RSI are neutral to bearish signaling that sideways to lower prices are possible near term. If December extends this summer's decline, monthly support crossing at 124.56 is the next downside target. Closes above the 20 day moving average crossing at 127.40 are needed to confirm that a low has been posted. First resistance is the 20 day moving average crossing at 127.40. Second resistance is the reaction high crossing at 130.06. First support is October's low crossing at 125.06. Second support is weekly support crossing at 124.56.

The December British Pound closed higher on Monday. The low range close sets the stage for a steady to lower opening when Tuesday's night session begins trading. Stochastics and the RSI are neutral to bearish signaling that sideways to lower prices are possible near term. If December resumes the decline off July's high, the 62% retracement level of the 2013-2014 rally crossing at 1.5732 is the next downside target. First resistance is the 20 day moving average crossing at 1.6200. Second resistance is the reaction high crossing at 1.6515. First support is October's low crossing at 1.5941. Second support is the 62% retracement level of the 2013-2014 rally crossing at 1.5732.

The December Swiss Franc closed higher on Monday. The high range close sets the stage for a steady to higher opening when Tuesday's night session begins trading. Stochastics and the RSI remain neutral to bullish signaling that sideways to higher prices are possible near term. Closes above the 20 day moving average crossing at 1.0541 would confirm that a low has been posted. If December extends the decline off July's high, monthly support crossing at 1.0166 is the next downside target. First resistance is the 20 day moving average crossing at 1.0541. Second resistance is the reaction high crossing at 1.0761. First support is October's low crossing at 1.0333. Second support is monthly support crossing at 1.0166.

The December Canadian Dollar closed higher on Monday. The mid-range close sets the stage for a steady opening when Tuesday's night session begins trading. Stochastics and the RSI are neutral to bearish signaling that sideways to lower prices are possible near term. If December extends the decline off July's high, the March low crossing at 88.31 is the next downside target. Closes above the 20 day moving average crossing at 89.83 would confirm that a short term low has been posted. First resistance is the 20 day moving average crossing at 89.93. Second resistance is the reaction high crossing at 91.67. First support is October's low crossing at 88.57. Second support is March's low crossing at 88.31.

The December Japanese Yen gapped up and closed higher on Monday as it extended this month's rally. The high range close sets the stage for a steady to higher opening when Tuesday's night session begins trading. Stochastics and the RSI are overbought but remains neutral to bullish signaling that sideways to higher prices are possible near term. If December extends this month's rally, the 38% retracement level of this year's decline crossing at .9415 is the next upside target. Closes below the 20 day moving average crossing at .9213 would confirm that a short term low has been posted. First resistance is today's high crossing at .9344. Second resistance is the 38% retracement level of this year's decline crossing at .9415. First support is October's low crossing at .9088. Second support is weekly support crossing at .9013.

Get out latest FREE eBooK "Understanding Options"....Just Click Here

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Market Summary with Mike Seery - U.S. Dollar and 10 Year Notes Futures

The U.S dollar is trading far above its 20 and 100 day moving average telling you that the trend is higher and if you took the original recommendation back when the breakout occurred on July 25th at 81.20 continue to place your stop at the 10 day low which currently stands at 84.00 as there has not been a 2 week low since late July and that just shows you how strong this market has been to the upside as the dollar is being seen as a flight to quality as there are so many problems in Europe currently as money is flowing back into the U.S dollar.

Get Mike Seerys Calls in your Inbox

The Euro currency continues to slide along with the Japanese yen as the U.S dollar hit a 2 year high and I do think prices are headed higher as the chart structure will improve dramatically next week so continue to play this to the upside and if you’re lucky enough take advantage of prices dip making sure you place the proper stop loss but the trend clearly is higher as the question remains how low will the Euro currency go.

10 Year Note Futures

The 10 year note has rallied this week due to all of the problems geopolitically speaking pushing prices to a 2 week high as I was recommending a short position when prices hit a 4 week low getting stopped out in yesterday’s trade as the yield has hit 2.52% so currently I’m sitting on the sidelines waiting for another trend to develop. This trade was a small loser as prices grinded higher over the last couple of days to sit on the sidelines and wait for another trend to develop as I still do believe interest rates are headed higher in this country but with worldwide problems and interest rates at all-time lows in Europe this trade will take patience and time to develop.

The GDP report stated that the economy grew at 4.6% which is very solid and that’s putting pressure on the 10 year note this Friday afternoon, however as a trader you must have an exit strategy and my exit strategy is when I’m short and the market hits the 10 day high it’s time to move on so I’m out of this trade but I do think that there will be another opportunity relatively soon. TREND: NEUTRAL CHART STRUCTURE: IMPROVING

Get our FREE eBook "Understanding Options".....Just Click Here

Friday, September 12, 2014

Sneaky 5 Part Options Formula Taught on Video

Are you excited about Bill Poulos's new Options Income Engine software that's being released next Monday like I am?

You can definitely feel the excitement online......

Bill just posted a "video answer" to one of his blog questions where he reveals his 5-part formula that tells you exactly how many options contracts to trade.

This is how the pros do it.

Go here to try it out...

Good Trading,
Forex Market Club

P.S.  Rumor has it that Bill will be giving away a LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP to his options software this weekend, so keep an eye on your email and on his website for more info...

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Options Results + BIG NEWS [Video 3]

Video 3 of the Options Income Engine training was just published.

See it Here...

Here's what you'll learn in this video:
  • A live options trade Bill Poulos placed with his broker using the Options Income Engine trade alert software, so you can get a feel for how easy this is...

  • An equity curve going back 20+ years so you can get a sense of how this program will work in "real life". He shows you everything - "warts & all".
I think you'll learn some very important lessons about real world trading after you see how candid Bill is in this video.
  • Bill is going to open up enrollment for his Options Income Engine software this Monday, September 15th, at 1pm Eastern.
(But it will be a very tight, limited enrollment.)

Watch Video #3 for more information on how to try it out...

Good Trading,
Forex Market Club

P.S. If you have any questions, make sure you post them underneath the video on the training website. There are now over 300 combined comments and counting.

Everybody is really excited about this......

Did You Miss Tuesdays Free "Options Trading Made Easy" Webinar?........Don't Worry

Due to an even higher then usual demand for this weeks free webinar we have added a second webinar this Thursday evening. Our trading partner John Carter is now going to make this even easier to understand with another one of his wildly popular free webinars, “How to Beat the Market Makers using Weekly Options”, this Thursday September 11th at 8 p.m. EST .

Do you know, and trade, the ONE vehicle that forces the market makers into losing positions and you into BIG WINNING POSITIONS? You will after this free webinar.

Just Click Here to get your Reserved Space

When: Thursday 9-11 @ 8PM New York time
 Where: ONLINE
 Who: John Carter lead trader/teacher SimplerOptions

In this free webinar workshop John shares:

- How to determine the safe levels to take weekly options trades

- The best way to protect yourself and minimize risk while increasing the probability of maximum reward

- How to choose the right stocks for weekly options and which stocks you want to avoid like the plague

- A simple and powerful strategy that you can use whether you’re a beginner or advanced options trader

- How to consistently trade this current market using weekly options

- And much more…

This is a VERY special webinar/workshop where you'll see hands ON the power of weekly options, and the EASE of use they provide to any trader!

Please join John on Thursday....... Just Click Here 

See you on Thursday evening!
Forex Market Club

Make sure to get our free eBook "Understanding Options"....Just Click Here!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Mid Week Currency Market Summary for Wednesday Sept 10th

The December Dollar posted an inside day with a lower close on Wednesday as it consolidates some of this summer's rally. The mid-range close sets the stage for a steady opening when Thursday's night session begins trading. Stochastics and the RSI are overbought but remain neutral to bullish signaling that sideways to higher prices are possible near term. If December extends the rally off May's low, weekly resistance crossing at 84.96 is the next upside target. Closes below the 20 day moving average crossing at 82.83 would confirm that a short term top has been posted. First resistance is Tuesday's high crossing at 84.65. Second resistance is weekly resistance crossing at 84.96. First support is the 10 day moving average crossing at 83.52. Second support is the 20 day moving average crossing at 82.83.

The December Euro closed slightly lower on Wednesday. The mid range close sets the stage for a steady opening when Thursday's night session begins trading. Stochastics and the RSI are oversold but remain neutral to bearish signaling that sideways to lower prices are possible near term. If December extends this summer's decline, the July 2013 low crossing at 128.50 is the next downside target. Closes above the 20 day moving average crossing at 131.78 are needed to confirm that a low has been posted. First resistance is the 10 day moving average crossing at 130.52. Second resistance is the 20 day moving average crossing at 131.78. First support is Tuesday's low crossing at 128.71. Second support is the July 2013 low crossing at 128.50.

How to Determine the Safe Levels to Take Weekly Options Trades

The December British Pound closed sharply higher on Wednesday as it consolidated some of the decline off July's high. The high range close sets the stage for a steady to higher opening when Thursday's night session begins trading. Stochastics and the RSI are oversold but remain neutral to bearish signaling that sideways to lower prices are possible near term. If December extends the decline off July's high, the 50% retracement level of the 2013-2014 rally crossing at 1.6007 is the next downside target. Closes above Monday's gap crossing at 1.6273 would confirm that a low has been posted. First resistance is Monday's gap crossing at 1.6273. Second resistance is the 10 day moving average crossing at 1.6359. First support is today's low crossing at 1.6039. Second support is the 50% retracement level of the 2013-2014 rally crossing at 1.6007.

The December Swiss Franc closed lower on Wednesday as it extends the decline off March's high. The low range close sets the stage for a steady to lower opening when Thursday's night session begins trading. Stochastics and the RSI are oversold but remain neutral to bearish signaling that sideways to lower prices are possible near term. If December extends the decline off July's high, the 87% retracement level of the 2013-2014 rally crossing at 1.0518 is the next downside target. Closes above the 20-day moving average crossing at 1.0907 would confirm that a low has been posted. First resistance is the 10 day moving average crossing at 1.0818. Second resistance is the 20 day moving average crossing at 1.0907. First support is the 75% retracement level of the 2013-2014 rally crossing at 1.0653. Second support is the 87% retracement level of the 2013-2014 rally crossing at 1.0518.

The December Canadian Dollar closed higher due to short covering on Wednesday. The high range close sets the stage for a steady to higher opening when Thursday's night session begins trading. Stochastics and the RSI are neutral to bearish signaling that sideways to lower prices are possible near term. Closes below the reaction low crossing at 90.70 would confirm that a top has been posted while opening the door for additional weakness near term. Closes above the 10 day moving average crossing at 91.49 would temper the near term bearish outlook. First resistance is the 10 day moving average crossing at 91.49. Second resistance is the reaction high crossing at 92.26. First support is the 62% retracement level of the March-July rally crossing at 90.40. Second support is the 75% retracement level of the March-July rally crossing at 89.67.

The December Japanese Yen closed lower on Wednesday as it extends this summer's decline. Today's low range close sets the stage for a steady to lower opening when Thursday's night session begins trading. Stochastics and the RSI are oversold but remain neutral to bearish signaling that sideways to lower prices are possible near term. If December extends the decline off June's high, weekly support crossing at .9013 is the next downside target. Closes above the 20 day moving average crossing at .9610 would confirm that a short term low has been posted. First resistance is the 10 day moving average crossing at .9524. Second resistance is the 20 day moving average crossing at .9610. First support is today's low crossing at .9365. Second support is weekly support crossing at .9013.

This weeks free webinar, Trading Weekly Options in any Size Account.....Just Click Here to get Your Reserved Seat

Monday, September 8, 2014

Free Webinar: How to Beat the Market Makers Using Weekly Options

You’ve downloaded his free eBook and you have watched the video. Our trading partner John Carter is now going to make this perfectly clear with another one of his wildly popular free webinars, “How to Beat the Market Makers using Weekly Options”, this Tuesday September 9th at 8 p.m. EST

Click Here to get your reserved spot, they go fast!

In this free webinar John Carter will discuss…..

  *   How to determine the safe levels to take weekly options trades

  *   The best way to protect yourself and minimize risk while increasing the probability of maximum reward

  *   How to choose the right stocks for weekly options and which stocks you want to avoid like the plague

  *   A simple and powerful strategy that you can use whether you’re a beginner or advanced options trader

  *   How to consistently trade this current market using weekly options

And much more…

Sign Up for the Webinar Here

We’ll see you on Tuesday evening!

Ray @ The Forex Market Club

Saturday, September 6, 2014

What Market Makers Don't Want YOU to Know (Free video)

It's no secret, the market makers are out to beat you and have been for years. But in this free video from John Carter he shows us how to level the playing field and even how to beat them!

What Market Makers Don't Want You to Know (video)

In this free video John shares......

  *   Why your trading goal is not to be right

  *   Why Wall Street is designed to suck traders into doing the wrong thing

  *   Whether or not account size matters when trading weekly options

  *   What Market Makers don’t want you to know that I’ll show you in this free video

  *   What trading instruments you should use to trade weekly options

Watch the video HERE...before the Market Makers get a chance to Beat YOU!

Make sure to get John's new Free eBook "Understanding Options"....Just Click Here!

Currency Market Summary for week ending Sept. 5th

The December Dollar closed lower due to profit taking on Friday as it consolidated some of the rally off May's low. The mid range close sets the stage for a steady opening when Monday's night session begins trading. Stochastics and the RSI are overbought but remain neutral to bullish signaling that sideways to higher prices are possible near term. If December extends the rally off May's low, weekly resistance crossing at 84.96 is the next upside target. Closes below the 20 day moving average crossing at 82.41 would confirm that a short term top has been posted. First resistance is today's high crossing at 84.08. Second resistance is weekly resistance crossing at 84.96. First support is the 10-day moving average crossing at 82.99. Second support is the 20 day moving average crossing at 82.41.

What Market Makers Don't Want YOU to Know (Free video)

The December Euro closed higher due to short covering on Friday as it consolidated some of Thursday's decline. The mid range close sets the stage for a steady to lower opening when Monday's night session begins trading. Stochastics and the RSI are oversold but remain neutral to bearish signaling that sideways to lower prices are possible near term. If December extends this summer's decline, the July 2013 low crossing at 128.50 is the next downside target. Closes above the 20 day moving average crossing at 132.48 are needed to confirm that a low has been posted. First resistance is the 10 day moving average crossing at 131.37. Second resistance is the 20 day moving average crossing at 132.48. First support is Thursday's low crossing at 129.32. Second support is the July 2013 low crossing at 128.50.

The December British Pound closed lower on Friday as it extends the decline off July's high. The high range close sets the stage for a steady to higher opening when Monday's night session begins trading. Stochastics and the RSI are oversold but remain neutral to bearish signaling that sideways to lower prices are possible near term. If December extends the decline off July's high, the 50% retracement level of the 2013-2014 rally crossing at 1.6007 is the next downside target. Closes above the 20 day moving average crossing at 1.6583 would confirm that a low has been posted. First resistance is the 10 day moving average crossing at 1.6486. Second resistance is the 20 day moving average crossing at 1.6583. First support is today's low crossing at 1.6273. Second support is the 50% retracement level of the 2013-2014 rally crossing at 1.6007.

The December Swiss Franc closed higher due to short covering on Friday as it consolidated some of the decline off March's high. The mid range close sets the stage for a steady opening when Monday's night session begins trading. Stochastics and the RSI are oversold but remain neutral to bearish signaling that sideways to lower prices are possible near term. If December extends the decline off July's high, the 75% retracement level of the 2013-2014 rally crossing at 1.0653 is the next downside target. Closes above the 20 day moving average crossing at 1.0958 would confirm that a low has been posted. First resistance is the 10 day moving average crossing at 1.0887. Second resistance is the 20 day moving average crossing at 1.0958. First support is today's low crossing at 1.0724. Second support is the 75% retracement level of the 2013-2014 rally crossing at 1.0653.

The December Canadian Dollar closed slightly lower on Friday. The low range close sets the stage for a steady to lower opening when Monday's night session begins trading. Stochastics and the RSI are neutral signaling that sideways trading is possible near term. Closes below last Tuesday's low crossing at 90.70 would confirm that a top has been posted. If December renews the rally off last Tuesday's low, the reaction high crossing at 93.04 is the next upside target. First resistance is last Friday's high crossing at 92.26. Second resistance is the reaction high crossing at 93.04. First support is last Tuesday's low crossing at 90.70. Second support is the 62% retracement level of the March-July rally crossing at 89.67.

The December Japanese Yen closed higher due to short covering on Friday after spiking below weekly support crossing at .9486. Today's mid range close sets the stage for a steady to higher opening when Monday's night session begins trading. Stochastics and the RSI are oversold but remain neutral to bearish signaling that sideways to lower prices are possible near term. If December extends the decline off June's high, weekly support crossing at .9013 is the next downside target. Closes above the 20 day moving average crossing at .9668 would confirm that a short term low has been posted. First resistance is the 10 day moving average crossing at .9587. Second resistance is the 20 day moving average crossing at .9668. First support is today's low crossing at .9469. Second support is weekly support crossing at .9013.

Get our latest free eBook "Understanding Options"....Just Click Here

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

"Understanding Options".....John Carters New Free Options Trading eBook

You know our trading partner John Carter from his wildly popular free trading webinars. Well, John has found another way to make learning to trade options in any size account even easier. With a brand new free eBook. The options trading eBook "Understanding Options".

In this free options trading eBook you will learn.....

  *   How to use leverage to grow your account exponentially or free up excess capital

  *   What the options basics are so you’re never confused by an options chain again

  *   The essentials to managing your position at expiration

  *   The two different types of settlement

  *   The key options terms you need to know

  *   The most important factor to your options trading success

......and much more

Just Click Here to get your free eBook "Understanding Options"

Mid Week Currency Market Summary for Wednesday September 3rd

The December Dollar closed lower due to profit taking on Wednesday as it consolidates some of the rally off May's low. The low range close sets the stage for a steady to lower opening when Thursday's night session begins trading. Stochastics and the RSI are overbought but remain neutral to bullish signaling that sideways to higher prices are possible near term. If December extends the rally off May's low, weekly resistance crossing at 83.66 is the next upside target. Closes below the 20-day moving average crossing at 82.19 would confirm that a short term top has been posted. First resistance is today's high crossing at 83.19. Second resistance is weekly resistance crossing at 83.66. First support is the 10 day moving average crossing at 82.68. Second support is the 20 day moving average crossing at 82.19.

The December Euro closed higher due to short covering on Wednesday. The high-range close sets the stage for a steady to higher opening when Thursday's night session begins trading. Stochastics and the RSI are oversold but remain neutral to bearish signaling that sideways to lower prices are possible near term. If December extends this summer's decline, the 87% retracement level of the 2013-2014 rally crossing at 129.96 is the next downside target. Closes above the 20 day moving average crossing at 132.90 are needed to confirm that a low has been posted. First resistance is the 10 day moving average crossing at 132.02. Second resistance is the 20 day moving average crossing at 132.90. First support is Tuesday's low crossing at 131.19. Second support is the 87% retracement level of the 2013-2014 rally crossing at 129.96.

The December British Pound closed lower on Wednesday confirming yesterday's key reversal down. The low range close sets the stage for a steady to lower opening when Thursday's night session begins trading. Stochastics and the RSI are oversold but remain neutral to bearish signaling that sideways to lower prices are possible near term. If December extends the decline off July's high, the 38% retracement level of the 2013-2014 rally crossing at 1.6281 is the next downside target. Closes above the 20 day moving average crossing at 1.6633 would confirm that a low has been posted. First resistance is Tuesday's high crossing at 1.6629. Second resistance is the 20 day moving average crossing at 1.6633. First support is Wednesday's low crossing at 1.6426. Second support is the 38% retracement level of the 2013-2014 rally crossing at 1.6281.

The December Swiss Franc closed higher due to short covering on Wednesday. The high range close sets the stage for a steady to higher opening when Thursday's night session begins trading. Stochastics and the RSI are oversold but remain neutral to bearish signaling that sideways to lower prices are possible near term. If December extends the decline off July's high, the 62% retracement level of the 2013-2014 rally crossing at 1.0802 is the next downside target. Closes above the 20 day moving average crossing at 1.0986 would confirm that a low has been posted. First resistance is the 20-day moving average crossing at 1.0986. Second resistance is the reaction high crossing at 1.1090. First support is Tuesday's low crossing at 1.0869. Second support is the 62% retracement level of the 2013-2014 rally crossing at 1.0802.

The December Canadian Dollar closed higher due to short covering on Wednesday. The high range close sets the stage for a steady to higher opening when Thursday's night session begins trading. Stochastics and the RSI are neutral to bearish signaling that sideways to lower prices are possible near-term. Closes below last Tuesday's low crossing at 90.70 would confirm that a top has been posted. If December renews the rally off last Tuesday's low, the reaction high crossing at 93.04 is the next upside target. First resistance is last Friday's high crossing at 92.26. Second resistance is the reaction high crossing at 93.04. First support is last Tuesday'slow crossing at 90.70. Second support is the 62% retracement level of the March-July rally crossing at 89.67.

The December Japanese Yen closed higher due to short covering on Wednesday as it consolidates some of the decline off July's high. Today's high range close sets the stage for a steady to higher opening when Thursday's night session begins trading. Stochastics and the RSI are oversold but remain neutral to bearish signaling that sideways to lower prices are possible near-term. If December extends the decline off June's high, weekly support crossing at .9486 is the next downside target. Closes above the 20 day moving average crossing at .9697 would confirm that a short term low has been posted. First resistance is the 10 day moving average crossing at .9731. Second resistance is the 20 day moving average crossing at .9697. First support is Tuesday's low crossing at .9500. Second support is weekly support crossing at .9486. 

Make sure you get our new FREE options trading eBook "Understanding Options"

Monday, July 28, 2014

Free Webinar....How to Trade Options Like a Professional with John Carter

It's ON.....John Carters next free webinar is this Thursday, July 31st at 8:00 p.m. est

Just click here to get your reserved spot ASAP

In this free webinar John will share:

  *   What I’ve discovered about professional options traders that they don’t want you to know

  *   The idea of “options stacking” to structure your trade in a way that gives you the best possible odds of success

  *   How to plan your trading position around a setup instead of the other way around

  *   Why structuring your trades as a campaign around a setup will yield the maximum return while reducing your risk

  *   How to be proactive in your trading instead of reactive and much more

As always with John's webinars they fill up fast so get your seat now. Just Click Here to Register Today!

We'll see you Thursday!

The Forex Market Club

Free Webinar....How to Trade Options Like a Professional with John Carter

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Low VIX and What It Means to Your Trading....Our Next Free Webinar

You are invited to attend our next free webinar, presented by former CBOE floor trader Dan Passarelli on Tuesday July 15th at 4:30 EDT. Dan's focus for this webinar will be "Low VIX and What It Means to Your Trading".

Many traders are having a tough time making money in this market. Why? Low VIX. Professional traders use the VIX as a guide to gauge potential option profits. Attend this webinar with Dan and learn what the VIX is telling us about your trading this summer.

Don't miss this special webinar.

Just click here to reserve your seat now

See you Tuesday July 15th!

The Forex Market Club

Our next free webinar "Low VIX and What It Means to Your Trading"....Just Click Here!

Week Ending Currency Market Summary for Thursday July 3rd

The September Euro currency closed down 46 points at 1.3612 today. Prices closed nearer the session low and closed at a bearish weekly low close today. The Euro bulls and bears are on a level overall near term technical playing field but the bulls are fading.

The September Japanese Yen closed down 37 points at .9789 today. Prices closed nearer the session low today, hit a two week low and closed at a bearish weekly low close. The bulls have lost their slight near term technical advantage. A four week old uptrend on the daily bar chart was negated today.

The September Swiss Franc closed down 53 points at 1.1200 today. Prices closed near mid range, hit a two week low and closed at a bearish weekly low close today. The bulls have lost their near term technical advantage. A four week old uptrend on the daily bar chart was negated today.

The September Canadian Dollar closed up 33 points at .9389 today. Prices closed nearer the session high and scored a bullish outside day up on the daily bar chart. Prices also hit another seven month high and closed at a bullish weekly high close today. The bulls have the solid near term technical advantage. A three month old uptrend is in place on the daily bar chart.

The September British Pound closed down 11 points at 1.7142 today. Prices closed nearer the session high. The bulls have the solid overall near term technical advantage.

The September U.S. Dollar index closed up 0.270 at 80.255 today. Prices closed near mid range on short covering in a bear market. Prices did close at a bullish weekly high close today. The greenback bears still have the near term technical advantage.

Low VIX and What It Means to Your Trading....Our Next Free Webinar

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Mid Week Currency Market Summary for Wednedsay June 11th

The September Euro currency closed down 15 points at 1.3530 today. Prices closed nearer the session low and closed at another fresh four month low close today. Bears have the solid near term technical advantage and have gained more power this week.

The September Japanese yen closed up 33 points at .9808 today. Prices closed nearer the session high. The bears have the slight near term technical advantage.

The September Swiss franc closed down 9 points at 1.1120 today. Prices closed near mid range and closed at another four month low close today. The bears have the overall near term technical advantage.

The September Canadian Dollar closed up 35 points at .9180 today. Prices closed nearer the session high. The bulls today gained the slight near term technical advantage.

The September British Pound closed up 37 points at 1.6779 today. Prices closed nearer the session high today. The bulls have the slight overall near term technical advantage. Prices are in a five week old downtrend on the daily bar chart, however.

The September U.S. dollar index closed down 0.040 at 80.900 today. Prices closed near mid range today. The greenback bulls have the near term technical advantage. Prices are in a four week old uptrend on the daily bar chart.

e Mini 2.0 Success Formula.....Trade the Most Active Market in the World

Monday, June 9, 2014

The Lazy Mans Way To Earn a Paycheck with Options

How does an extra "paycheck" every Friday sound?

This little known, two step trading technique exploits a "flaw" around how most people trade options so that you have the potential to:
  • Earn up to 2% every 7 days, averaging up to 30% every year.
Due to the very nature of how it works, "instant income" is deposited into your trading account every time you place this trade each Friday.

Go here to download the step-by-step 'blueprint' that reveals how it's done, and follow along with the training video.

We think you'll be surprised.
Good Trading,
 The Forex Market Club

p.s. Your total time investment with this technique is less than 20 minutes PER WEEK, and you collect your "instant income" every Friday. See how to make your first trade here...

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Are You Ready for Negative Interest Rate and Pay the Bank to Hold Your Money?

The six members of the European Central Bank (ECB) Executive Board and the 16 governors of the euro area central banks vote on where to set the rate. We watch interest rate changes closely as short term interest rates are the primary factor in currency valuation.

A higher than expected rate is positive for the EUR, while a lower than expected rate is negative for the EUR. Today (Thursday June 5th) we expected a rate cut. The cut was not as much as analysts expected which is bullish for the short term, but the rate is still declining and nearing zero, or even worse, negative territory.

ecbrates eurochart

A negative interest rate may sound crazy or impossible, but it's already happening in Denmark. Europe is already in a deflationary state and central banks are doing everything they can to bring about inflation by cutting rates and devaluing the euro. This will cause a ripple through multiple asset classes and will drastically alter the outcome of individuals worldwide. Just imagine if you had to pay a bank to hold your money and you do not earn any interest but rather pay interest.

People who have been saving their entire lives will get hit the hardest. Retired folks will stop earning money and start paying for all the money they hold held at banks. Individuals will go more into debt because money will be extremely cheap to borrow. Price of assets like equities, real estate, discretionary goods will rise because the cheap money everyone is borrowing will be used to buy more stuff. While all this happens everyone takes on more dept. It is a brutal spiral leading to increase debt levels, inflation and eventually bankruptcy.

If the euro dollar starts to decline at a quicker pace the U.S. dollar will likely rally. A strong dollar could affect the commodities market including gold, silver and the European stock markets. Todays rate cut led to a pop in the euro, but that is likely to be short lived. I hope this sheds some light on the markets and helps in your trading.

Chris Vermeulen

P.S. In the next few days members and myself will be looking to enter some trades based round this analysis. See Premium Trading Video & Newsletter

Chris Vermeulen

Sign up for one of our Free Trading Webinars....Just Click Here!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Encore Presentation....."The Insiders Guide to Growing a Small Trading Account into a Big Account"

Thanks for all the positive feedback on John Carters webinar “The Insider’s Guide to Growing a Small Trading Account into a Big Account”. Many of you have requested an encore presentation. So we are happy to say that we’ll be hosting a "live" encore webinar on this Tuesday June 3rd

You can attend at either 1:00 pm or 8:00 pm New York time. Both webinars will be live encore presentations.

Just Click Here to Register

One of the reasons we are doing this is that it turns out that a lot of traders were shut out of last week’s webinar because we were over capacity. We apologize to all that were and hope you get a seat for this week. Make sure you log on 10 minutes early to claim your seat.

So join us for a live encore presentation on Tuesday.

Click Here to Choose the 1 p.m. Webinar

Click Here to Choose the 8 p.m. Webinar

See you on Tuesday!
The Forex Market Club

Get ready for this weeks webinar by watching John's video primer "The Big Trade"

Currency Market Summary for Monday Morning June 2nd

The June U.S. Dollar was higher overnight. Stochastics and the RSI are overbought and are turning neutral to bearish hinting that a short term top might be in or is near. Closes below the 20 day moving average crossing at 80.06 are needed to confirm that a short term top has been posted. If June extends the rally off May's low, April's high crossing at 80.77 is the next upside target. First resistance is the overnight high crossing at 80.63. Second resistance is April's high crossing at 80.77. First support is the 20 day moving average crossing at 80.06. Second support is the reaction low crossing at 79.93.

Beginner's Guide to Trading Options

The June Euro was lower overnight. Stochastics and the RSI are oversold and are turning neutral to bullish hinting that a short term low might be in or is near. Closes above the 20 day moving average crossing at 137.16 are needed to confirm that a low has been posted. If June extends the decline off May's high, the 38% retracement level of the 2013-2014 rally crossing at 135.45 is the next downside target. First resistance is the 10 day moving average crossing at 136.43. Second resistance is the 20 day moving average crossing at 137.16. First support is last Wednesday's low crossing at 136.08. Second support is the 38% retracement level of the 2013-2014 rally crossing at 135.45.

The June British Pound was lower overnight. Stochastics and the RSI are turning neutral to bullish hinting that a short term low might be in or is near. Closes above the 20 day moving average crossing at 1.6830 would confirm that a short term low has been posted. If June extends the decline off May's high, the reaction low crossing at 1.6640 is the next downside target. First resistance is the 20 day moving average crossing at 1.6830. Second resistance is the reaction high crossing at 1.6919. First support is the reaction low crossing at 1.6640. Second support is the reaction low crossing at 1.6545.

The June Swiss Franc was lower overnight and is poised to extend the decline off May's high. Stochastics and the RSI are oversold and are turning neutral to bullish hinting that a short term low might be in or is near. Closes above the 20 day moving average crossing at 1.1240 are needed to confirm that a low has been posted. If June extends the aforementioned decline, the 75% retracement level of the January-March rally crossing at 1.1160 is the next downside target. First resistance is the 10 day moving average crossing at 1.1170. Second resistance is the 20 day moving average crossing at 1.1240. First support is last Wednesday's low crossing at 1.1124. Second support is the 75% retracement level of the January-March rally crossing at 1.1086.

The June Canadian Dollar was slightly lower overnight. Stochastics and the RSI are neutral signaling that sideways to higher prices are possible near term. If June renews the rally off March's low, the 38% retracement level of the 2013-2014 decline crossing at 92.96 is the next upside target. Closes below the 20 day moving average crossing at 91.85 are needed to confirm that a short term top has been posted. First resistance is the reaction high crossing at 92.40. Second resistance is the 38% retracement level of the 2013-2014 decline crossing at 92.96. First support is the 20 day moving average crossing at 91.85. Second support is the reaction low crossing at 90.35.

The June Japanese Yen was lower overnight. Stochastics and the RSI are turning neutral to bearish signaling that sideways to lower prices are possible near term. From a broad perspective, June needs to close above .9930 or below .9598 to confirm a breakout of a four month old trading range. First resistance is May's high crossing at .9920. Second resistance is February's high crossing at .9930. First support is the reaction low crossing at .9771. Second support is May's low crossing at .9687.

This weeks free video "What's Behind the Free Trade"

Thursday, May 22, 2014

How to Grow a Small Trading Account into a BIG One

He's back! Our friend and trading partner John Carter of Simpler Options is back to answer the number one question he gets at the Simpler Options phone bank...."how can I trade using a small trading account"?

As you have probably already learned [like all of us] trading fees quickly erode our trading accounts even when we have some success when using a small account. Today John shows us how to put that all behind us.

Growth is on our minds, and I'm sure it's on watch this free video from the industries leading educator and start growing and protecting your account today.

How to Grow a Small Account into a BIG One

Here's what you'll learn from John......

   *   The difference between trading for income vs. growth and what no one else will tell you about this

   *   The # 1 job of every trader has to accomplish or look for a new job

   *   Why you don’t want to focus on being right in trading and yes this is counter intuitive

   *   Examples of my favorite trades for growing a small account

   *   Position sizing appropriately for a small account and the types of stocks and ETFs to trade

John shows us all of his trades in his real 5K account that he'll be growing right before our eyes. And John explains in detail every method he uses to make it all happen.

Watch the video here...and thank me later

See you in the markets,
The Forex Market Club

P.S.  please feel free to leave a comment after watching the video, we want to hear your take on what John is doing.